Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make his notice easy to find, we make it available from many pages of our websites.

1. Types Of Users
Epoll has several different roles that could apply to you. Take a moment to determine your role using the definitions below so you can better understand the parts of this privacy policy that are most relevant to you.
a. Customer. If you have a Epoll account for accessing your administrator dashboard for our suite of services including campaigns, social tabs, posts, and advertising, you are a Customer.
b. Participant. If you visit a landing page, post a public submission, submit information, or participant in some other way with a campaign, for example a giveaway, contest, poll, or form created by one of our Customers, you are a Participant.
c. Third Party App User. If you grant information authorization to a Woobox created and controlled third party login app as part of a campaign, for example on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, or others, you are a Third Party App User.
d. Website Visitor. If you visit one of our websites you are a Website Visitor.

2. Types Of Collected Information
2.1 Information you provide
a. Personal Information. For example, name, email address, telephone number, address, social profile links, and other contact details when you create a Epoll account, submit a form, or grant permissions in a third party app.
b. Billing Information. For example, your credit card when you purchase one of our paid services.
c. Facebook Page Information. For example, the list of pages you manage on Facebook and information from those pages granted when you authorize our Facebook application.